Pro zadanou šachovnici
Nejrobustnější: Můžeme program napsat v NodeJS a potom jeho výstup poslat do klienta (jako JSON). Klient potom výstup zobrazí. Tímto komplikovanějším řešením umožníme budoucí síťovou hru více hráčů proti sobě. Také nás to donutí striktně oddělit logiku (v nodejs projektu) od zobrazení a UI (ve stránce)
Zajímavou možností pak je rozdělit práci bez problémů na dva programátory = jeden dělá zobrazovadlo a klikadlo, druhý implementuje pravidla šachů - a shodnete se na nějakém rozhraní.
Vygenerovaný příklad takového klient-server rozhraní najdete na konci stránky.
- **Game State Object**: { "gameId": "unique-game-id", "board": {/* Current board state */}, "currentPlayer": "white" /* Player color */, "gameStatus": "active", /* or "checkmate," "stalemate," etc. */, "moves": ["e4", "e5", /* List of moves made in the game */], "players": { "white": "Player1", "black": "Player2" } }
- **Active Game List Object**: { "games": [ { "gameId": "game-1", "players": ["Player1", "Player2"], "status": "active" }, { "gameId": "game-2", "players": ["Player3", "Player4"], "status": "active" } ] }
This is a basic outline of a RESTful API for a multiplayer chess game. You may need to expand on this depending on your specific requirements, including game authentication, handling game events, and implementing additional features like chat, time control, and more.
Create a JSON formatted example input of a chess solving program. Use all chess figure types in the example.
{ "board": { "a8": "r", "b8": "n", "c8": "b", "d8": "q", "e8": "k", "f8": "b", "g8": "n", "h8": "r", "a7": "p", "b7": "p", "c7": "p", "d7": "p", "e7": "p", "f7": "p", "g7": "p", "h7": "p", "a2": "P", "b2": "P", "c2": "P", "d2": "P", "e2": "P", "f2": "P", "g2": "P", "h2": "P", "a1": "R", "b1": "N", "c1": "B", "d1": "Q", "e1": "K", "f1": "B", "g1": "N", "h1": "R" }, "turn": "white", "castling_rights": "KQkq", "en_passant_target": "e3", "halfmove_clock": 25, "fullmove_number": 12 }
In this JSON input:
ChatGPT nejspíš vychází z a podobných zdrojů
{ "chess_pieces": [ { "type": "rook", "color": "black", "position": "a8" }, { "type": "knight", "color": "black", "position": "b8" }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "black", "position": "c8" }, { "type": "queen", "color": "black", "position": "d8" }, { "type": "king", "color": "black", "position": "e8" }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "black", "position": "f8" }, { "type": "knight", "color": "black", "position": "g8" }, { "type": "rook", "color": "black", "position": "h8" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "a7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "b7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "c7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "d7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "e7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "f7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "g7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": "h7" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "a2" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "b2" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "c2" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "d2" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "e2" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "f2" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "g2" }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": "h2" }, { "type": "rook", "color": "white", "position": "a1" }, { "type": "knight", "color": "white", "position": "b1" }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "white", "position": "c1" }, { "type": "queen", "color": "white", "position": "d1" }, { "type": "king", "color": "white", "position": "e1" }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "white", "position": "f1" }, { "type": "knight", "color": "white", "position": "g1" }, { "type": "rook", "color": "white", "position": "h1" } ] }
A ještě lépe parsovatelná pozice:
{ "chess_pieces": [ { "type": "rook", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "knight", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 1, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 2, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "queen", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 3, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "king", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 4, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 5, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "knight", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 6, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "rook", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 7, "y": 7 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 1, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 2, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 3, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 4, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 5, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 6, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "black", "position": { "x": 7, "y": 6 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 1, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 2, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 3, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 4, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 5, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 6, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "pawn", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 7, "y": 1 } }, { "type": "rook", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 0 } }, { "type": "knight", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 1, "y": 0 } }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 2, "y": 0 } }, { "type": "queen", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 3, "y": 0 } }, { "type": "king", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 4, "y": 0 } }, { "type": "bishop", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 5, "y": 0 } }, { "type": "knight", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 6, "y": 0 } }, { "type": "rook", "color": "white", "position": { "x": 7, "y": 0 } } ] }
Create an interface for a multiplayer chess game between the client (visualizing the game, allowing the players to select next move) and the server (implementing the chess game logic). RESTApi
1. Create a New Game
2. Get Game State
3. Make a Move
4. List Active Games
5. Join a Game
6. Resign from the Game